Book prices are marked individually. Typically, adult paperbacks are half cover price. Scholastic paperbacks are $2 each or 6 for 10. Teens/young adults are individually marked.
Trade-in’s: All customers earn a quarter of the cover value for book trade-ins. Customers may use accrued credit to purchase books, after the first dollar.
Romance credit is only valid for other romance books.
Books, Beads & More reserves the right to refuse any trade-in offer for any reason. Some reasons for refusal would include:
- Poor condition
- Already in stock
- Book marked or damaged
- Book not consistent with current offerings
CD’s are $3.99 each. Trade-in value is one dollar each. Books, Beads and More may not take all of the CD’s you wish to trade in. Same restrictions for acceptance apply as from the book section.
DVD’s range in price from $3.50 to $6 for new releases. A full season set od DVD’s are $12.50 for a common show, or $15.00 for a new season.
Store credit ranges from $2 to $6 depending on title, quality and current stock. Books, Beads & More retains the right to refuse trade-ins based on quality of item, title or any other criteria.
Blu-ray disks are $7 each and are eligible for a $4 trade-in credit.