“Ice in the Ville, a new novel, by Sheila Talley has recently been released. The setting is the Ville of Mechanicsville, where Talley grew up. “Ice in the Ville” is based on the Ice Storm of 1999 that quickly changed the Christmas plans of everyone from Mechanicsville to Norfolk Virginia and beyond. Power losses and tree damage closed parts of Route 64 and many folks lost power for as long as two weeks. Despite the inconveniences, the Christmas spirit came to the Ville of Mechanicsville and many folks found new ways to lovingly spend the holidays. “Ice in the Ville,” is a book of fiction and the love story is from the imagination of the author.
Many businesses and places in the Ville are given attention in this story, such as the Mechanicsville Rexall Drug Store, Windemere Art Gallery, the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Anna’s and Mexico restaurants, Hanover Cleaners, Williams Bakery, Books, Beads and More, Belle’s Café, Belle’s Cottage, and a few places that are no longer in business. It also mentions events – such as the Mechanicsville Christmas Parade and business owners in the Ville. Doctor Wysor, a favorite doctor, who once took care of many in the Ville, gets a special mention in this book. Talley wrote “Eyes Like My Own” and “Beloved Place” a few years ago and is a correspondent for the Herald Progress neighborhood network.